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Feedback Form


We have finished up our project together, and I have had a wonderful time working with you! I would be hugely appreciative to get some feedback on your experience.

Thank you!



    What (if any) hesitations did you have before hiring me?

    What did you like most about working with me?

    Do you feel or think differently about your business and/or process after our work together?

    What was the most difficult part of the process for you? In what ways did I make it easier for you? In what ways could I make it better?

    Would you recommend my services to others? If so, to who and why?

    Is there anything else you'd like to add, or anything else I could do to improve my services?

    What are 1-5 blogs/publications/sources that you regularly read? (this information helps me make sure I'm reaching my ideal clients....clients like you 🙂 )

    Please check one:

    I'd be happy for you to use this as testimonial (after you've sent me the final version for approval)!I'd prefer this feedback be confidential.